Postpartum Treatments

Postpartum Treatments in Newcastle

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Regain Core and Pelvic Floor Strength

Pelvic and core weakness can lead to back pain, urinary incontinence, regular UTIs, and other uncomfortable symptoms. Core Restore Co. helps women improve their strength, confidence, and quality of life with easy and non-invasive postpartum treatments in Newcastle.


During pregnancy, your entire musculoskeletal system transforms into the perfect environment for your baby to grow—and it’s no surprise this takes a significant toll on your body. While every woman has a different pregnancy and labor experience, it’s extremely common to have pelvic floor and core weakness postpartum. Some women naturally regain this strength in the weeks following birth, but many experience weakness long after their little one has joined the world.

Treatment Details

Consultation Required?


Device Used:

Emsella and Emsculpt

Sessions Needed: 

4 to 6

Results Duration:

Long-term with proper maintenance

What Our Device Can Do

Strengthen pelvic floor muscles

Reduce urinary incontinence

Improve sexual health

Strengthen core muscles

Reduce abdominal fat

Postpartum Treatments in Newcastle


Emsella uses non-invasive electromagnetic stimulation to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. This painless treatment delivers the equivalent of 12,000 Kegels in a single session.


Emsculpt is a painless treatment that stimulates the abdominal muscles to contract at a rate that’s unachievable with regular exercise. This helps to burn fat and build muscle quickly for transformative results.

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What to Expect

Our Postpartum Treatment Process


Step 1

Before starting postpartum treatments in Newcastle, you will meet with a provider to discuss your symptoms and treatment goals. Based on your needs, we will create an individualized program that includes Emsella, Emsculpt, or a combination of both to help you reach your desired results.


Step 2

Our postpartum treatments are painless and only take 30 to 60 minutes to complete. During this time, you can sit back and relax, listen to music, or read a book as the device goes to work. You’ll probably feel your muscles contracting, but it is a very comfortable and easy treatment.


Step 3

You might notice improvements with just one postpartum treatment, but the best results will occur after a series of treatments. Your provider will make personalised recommendations based on your needs and goals.


Pre-Care Instructions 

Prior to Your Treatment in Newcastle, Core Restore Co. Recommends:

Wear Comfortable Clothing

Wear comfortable and light clothing. You won’t remove any clothing for the treatment, but heavier fabrics may reduce the device’s effectiveness.

Consider Your Medical History

Ensure you do not have any health conditions that would exclude you from treatment.

Be Prepared to Remove Electronic Devices

We will ask you to remove all metals, credit cards, and electronic devices before your treatment.


Post-Care Instructions 

Following to Your Treatment in Newcastle, Core Restore Co. Recommends:

Regular Maintenance Treatments

We encourage you to follow a recommended maintenance plan to prolong your treatment results.

Return to Normal Activities

There is no downtime after our postpartum treatments, so you can immediately return to your day.

Know the Side Effects

Side effects from Emsella and Emsculpt are typically mild, but can include redness, joint pain, or temporary muscle spasms.

Frequently Asked Questions

When can I start postpartum treatments?

In Newcastle, we start treatments 6 months after vaginal births and 12 weeks after C-section births.

How do postpartum treatments work?

Our postpartum treatments use high-intensity focused electromagnetic energy to stimulate muscle contractions in your abdomen and pelvis. It is similar to working out, but our treatments are more efficient, comfortable, and effective than rep after rep in the gym.

How many treatments will I need?

Emsella and Emsculpt are painless treatments. You might feel a slight tingling sensation or muscle contractions as the treatment works.

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